The Videos

a young person with long brown hair and light brown skin grins at the camera, relaxed and happy
Models of Consent
Hear about the new affirmative consent laws and different models of consent
a young person looking off to the side and laughing, their cane resting on their arm
You Asked, We Answered
Four Disabled people answer the questions you didn't know how to ask about disability, sex, consent, and relationships
a young first nations person sits in their wheelchair, grinning at the camera
Consent Conversations
Four Disabled people answer questions from Disabled young people about consent and relationships, and share what we wish we'd known

The Resources

A photo of Get the Go Ahead: Getting It Right (Advice For Workers) A4 Booklet. The cover features a green and yellow gradient pattern with text that reads 'Get The Go Ahead'
Getting It Right (Advice For Workers)
Plain Text
A photo of Get the Go Ahead: Disabled Young People Talk: Sex & Consent A4 Booklet. The cover features a green and yellow gradient pattern with text that reads 'Get The Go Ahead'
Disabled Young People Talk: Sex & Consent
Plain Text
A photo of Get the Go Ahead: Caring for our communities A5 Booklet. The cover features a pink and blue gradient pattern with text that reads 'Get The Go Ahead
Caring for our communities
Plain Text

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